The Genesis of Present Islamophobia

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Good Read The Genesis of Present Islamophobia Islamophobia is not a new phantasm, it is an age-old practice. It started at the time of the prophet. It increased as it spread around Arabia and in the world. There are a few allegations, questions, and lies spread and repeated all the time. Our scholar gave the answers in detail centuries ago, but the anti-Islam religion’s institutions, organizations, and peers always keep them alive. It is sheer moral corruption, but they have been doing it.
They always tried to do a character assassination of the prophet. Like he was sex crazy, he was a pedophile. Muslim scholars gave the answers to these allegations and questions, but it would have been popping up time and again. There are other questions like Polygamy in Islam. Purdah, Talaq, Woman Rights, Love Jihad, Killing Kafirs, Slavery in Islam, Death Penalty, Blasphemy laws and superiority of Islam. There are thousands of questions on all these subjects, and Muslim scholars gave the reply. Presented the Islamic perspective. You google such questions there are thousands of replies about it. Instead of just commenting and questioning with XYZ people or making posters to defame Muslims and Islam just read Islamic books about it.  If you are a sane person at least ask the scholars of Islam or at least google and read it Muslim scholar’s views and answers. We have thousands of books; Prophet’s biography and the Holy Quran read and get first-hand knowledge. 
Yes, Islamophobia was there, and it will remain. But currently, the Islamophobia tides are very high. It is spreading like fire. We look here, at how this present Islamophobia has started. The Rashtriya Sewam Sangh is the main organization behind the present Islamophobia movement in the world. In 1964 the Vishwa Hindu Parishad organization was formed under the umbrella of RSS. It was in 1970 there was a Bhil movement for reservation. The Bhil movement gripped Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, and other states. There were counter-views expressed in the newspapers. Some of the views came from NRIs from the USA and Britain. The RSS caught the NRIs and established Vishwa Hindu Parishad branches in the USA and UK. These NRI’s were very much active during the Mandal Commission Movement. They were mostly higher caste Hindus and were against reservation. They were loud and wrote many articles and motivated the masses in the USA, UK and expanded to other countries. Also funded and motivated within India. In 1980 to counter the Mandal movement the RSS/VHP launched the Babri Masjid movement. This move was to suppress the Mandal Movement.
The NRI Indians fully participated in the Babri movement. BY this Babri Masjid movement RSS/VHP expanded to the USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the Middle East, and other countries. They opened branches. The RSS/VHP got a base and expanded its roots all over these countries. The RSS/VHP motivated NRI’s and started activities to attract more NRIs and establish offices. The first game they played was – Love Jihad – In USA/UK Love Jihad worked. It also started to divide Hindus & Muslims. In the UK even they provoke Sikhs. As many young Sikh and Hindu girls were leaving Hinduism and Sikhism and joining Islam and marrying Punjabi Muslim boys. There were some cases. The girls were against the bad habits of Sikhs and Hindu young guys. But RSS/VHP succeeded to divide communally in USA and UK Indians and others. In the Babri Masjid movement, many functions were conducted on behalf of RSS/VHP by Hindu zealots in the USA, UK, and other countries. After Babri Masjid demolition. The Indian government used NRI’s platform to lobby in the USA, UK. The Indian government started funding NRI organizations to lobby against Pakistan. This campaign soon converted to an anti-Muslim organization. Because the NRI’s contacted with other non-Muslim organizations like Christian, Jews, Buddhists, and some Muslim deviant sects.
Lalit Mansingh a foreign secretary of India, played a key role. He joins a PR agency and he is also a founding member of the APCO PR agency. He is the main person who worked for lobbying in the USA and other countries. APCO PR agency was created to lobby in the USA, UK, and other countries and play a pivotal role in politics. APCO is handling sensitive political and crisis management issues. Many APCO PR executives are former prominent government officials, politicians, and ambassadors. When BJP came to power the Indian Government increased funding. The mode of operation is to create occasions/conduct cultural functions to invite politicians, senators, journalists, business tycoons, celebrities, academics, and influential people to buy them. By presenting them awards and paid cash they also paid for luxury trips to India. With the support of the Indian Govt and funding as locals said the Indians started to influence politicians and present senators and forced the government to decide in their favor. They become strong and are now forcing governments to act as per their terms and conditions. By lobbying the Indians also joined politics and participated at all levels. The Government of India involvement and India and Israel relations formed and improved in Atal Bihari Vajpayee government the APCO PR succeeded and expanded. They got huge support from all governments, USA, UK, India, Israel, Australia and others. They also get the support of agencies like CIA, FBI, Mossad, RAW, IB, and other agencies that cooperated and supported APCO. The campaign extended not only anti-Pakistan, Anti-Islam and Anti-Muslim, and Anti-Muslim countries. They targeted Islam and Muslims.
They started defaming Islam and Muslims. So, Anti Islam and Muslims campaign carried on social media. Millions of groups, Email groups, Facebook pages, groups were created to defame Islam and Muslims. These social media platforms not only defame Islam they also spread fake and fabricated news to spread hatred against Muslims. The APCO PR further branched and worked with different names in different countries and carried the same tactics. The fake news and fake newspapers started. In the world, all non-Muslims and Anti Muslim and Anti-Islam organizations started fake campaigns against Islam and Muslim countries, and they spread hatred 24/7/365 days basis. Saudi Arabia said there is millions post daily against Saudi Arabia and Islam. So, the business of lies spreads all over the world. Today there is hatred and moral corruption in the world because of Rashtriya Sewak Sangh Organization’s malicious campaign. Social media is flooded with fake and fabricated news. The whole world is now following RSS Indian organization Modus Operandi to spread lies and spread fake and fabricated news. From the Gulf wars to the anti-government movements in Egypt, Bahrain, and Libya all were created. Just to destroy Muslims and demonize Islam and Muslims. The world is now morally corrupted to the core. 
The present leaders like Modi, Trump, Putin, and others use the same platforms to manipulate nations. The present world and people became so low that today they are justifying the killing of millions. The world believed the 9/11 and 26/11 in India, 2002 Gujarat genocide, WMD were all created by agencies. 
Today India under PM Modi wanted to spread Hinduism all over the world. The RSS Organization was Hindu supremacy in the world. They are carrying the Hindu Supremacy agenda through the Yoga and Vegan movement. 
The Modi government used lobbying all over the world by their bought politicians. The Indian government dictates terms and conditions to the world. They are even influencing President Trump and British PM Boris Johnson. They are extending pressure from the politicians (Paid agents) and lobbying.
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