The bias of Western leaders does not help the Israelis wake up

A view of debris of a building after Israeli airstrikes in Khan Yunis, Gaza on 09…

End Israel’s brutal military occupation, and legitimate resistance won’t be necessary

Israel has attacked Palestinian villages, town and cities; homes and holy sites; and crops, as well…

Israel’s occupation of Palestine has long exceeded any temporary military necessity

After the occupation’s brutal raid on the Muslim holy site during Ramadan, Palestinians burned tyres and…

Israeli Human Rights Group Denounces Netanyahu’s ‘Criminal Policy of Revenge’

“One crime does not justify another, nor does one kind of injustice justify another,” said B’Tselem.…

“Israel’s 9/11” is a Slogan to Rationalize Open-Ended Killing of Palestinian Civilians By Norman Solomon

UN News/Ziad Taleb A building is engulfed in flames in central Gaza. SAN FRANCISCO, USA Oct…

‘A Massive War Crime’ By Jake Johnson

Israeli military exercise near the Gaza border, November 2014. (IDF, Flickr, CC BY-NC 2.0) International law experts…

CNN fires contributor Marc Lamont Hill for criticising Israel

In his speech at the UN, Marc Lamont Hill said ‘we must advocate and promote non-violence’…

Uprooting the Causes of Violence in Gaza & Israel By Phyllis Bennis

A Palestinian rocket fired at Israel’s occupied territories over the weekend during the outbreak of the…

Israel-Palestine war: Why the West is rallying around the last settler colony

The aircraft carrier USS Gerald R Ford, which the US announced will move closer to the…

Israel-Palestine war: This humiliation has shaken the Israeli psyche to its core

An Israeli soldier rests his head on the gun barrel of an armoured vehicle as Israeli…

Israel-Palestine war: Why Hindu nationalists are backing Israel against Hamas

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Indian counterpart, Narendra Modi, hug after attending an agreement-signing…

The West’s hypocrisy towards Gaza’s breakout is stomach-turning By Jonathan Cook

There will be little sympathy in the West as, yet again, besieged Palestinians are bombed by…

They’re Repeating The Word ‘Unprovoked’ Again, This Time In Defense Of Israel

Skillful manipulators make frequent use of a cognitive bias known as the illusory truth effect, a…

Israeli lawmaker blames pogroms against Palestinians for ‘terrible’ attacks By Eliyahu Freedman

Ofer Cassif, a member of the Knesset, said he warned the situation would ‘erupt’ if the…

Why do Palestinians not deserve support for their self-defence?

Smoke and flames rise after Israeli air forces targeting a shopping center in Gaza Strip, Gaza…

Islamic Jihad chief denounces normalisation talks with Israel

Ziad al-Nakhala, Secretary-General of the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, at the Palestinian embassy in Lebanon’s…

Israel illegal settler violence erasing entire Palestinian communities, says NGO

A view of Al-Urme Hill in Beita town, considered the second highest point around the city…

Jewish National Fund: A century of land theft, belligerence and erasure by Joseph Massad

Israeli authorities demolish what remains of the Khader family home in the Shuafat neighbourhood of East…