Racism is at the very heart of Israel Dr Belal Yasin

Palestinians hold banners reading ‘Segregated and Unequeal’ during a protest against Israeli restrictions in Hebron, West…

US-Israel relations: Biden must stand up to Bennett on Palestinian rights by Osama Abuirshaid

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken (R) meets with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett at the…

Israel’s Bennett says no Palestinian state as long as he’s prime minister

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett has embarked on a trip to Washington for a visit with…

Israel parents protest after school hires Palestinian teacher

An Israeli primacy school welcomes pupils wearing protective gear and respecting distancing measures upon return to…

In Israel, the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians is met with silence by Gideon Levy

Ruba al-Tamimi is comforted by her son Mahmoud, as they mourn her other son Muhammad during…

‘I Decided to Retire’: 14-Year-Old Mauritanian Chess Player Refuses to Meet Israeli Player

14-year-old Mauritanian chess player Abdel Rahim Al-Talib Muhammad. (Photo: Courtesy Taqadomy Net) A 14-year-old Mauritanian chess…

The Quiet Rebellion: Why US Jews Turning against Israel is Good for Palestinians By Ramzy Baroud

Thousands of New Yorkers protest the Israeli war on Gaza in May 2021. (Photo: via Friends…

Will the Israeli army ever stop killing Palestinians? By Motasem A Dalloul

With an increasing number of Palestinians being killed by the Israeli army in the occupied West…

In Israel, the cold-blooded killing of Palestinians is met with silence by Gideon Levy

Scores of unarmed Palestinians, including children, have been murdered since the end of Israel’s May assault.…

Israel authorities force Palestinian families to demolish own homes in al-Quds

The combo purportedly shows a Palestinian father, Mohamed Matar, demolishing his own house in Silwan district…

American Jews are growing more estranged from Israel Dr Adnan Abu Amer

It is known in Israel that there is a trend among young American Jews not to…

The PA only cares about Israel

Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas on May 25, 2021 at the Palestinian Authority headquarters in the West…

Israeli Soldiers Injure Palestinians during Anti-Settlement Protests in West Bank

Palestinians continue to protest in the West Bank village of Beita against a new Israeli settler…

The African Union’s back door invite to Israel has betrayed the Palestinians by Yvonne Ridley

Protesters gather and hold Palestinian flags in central Johannesburg, on May 23, 2021, as they take…

The plight of Palestinians is well understood, now action needs to be taken by Asa Winstanley

Funeral ceremony held for 12 year old Palestinian Mohammad al-Alaami who was shot by Israeli soldiers…

Eviction of Palestinians – Ethnic cleansing by other means – dailymirror

The UN-created problem in Palestine -the arbitrary setting up of the state of Israel- on Palestinian…

Sheikh Jarrah: Israeli Court Wants Palestinian Homeowners to Pay ‘Rent’ to Jewish Settlers

Palestinian and Israeli activists protest against house evictions in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.…

How Ben & Jerry’s has Exposed Israel’s Anti-BDS Strategy By Ramzy Baroud

Ben & Jerry’s ice cream shop on Washington Street in New Jersey. (Photo: Luigi Novi, Wikimedia…