Craig Murray: The Israeli Nihilist State

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The apartheid state appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation.

Protest in London on June 25 against U.K. provision of diplomatic, military and logistical support to Israel during its genocidal assault on Gaza. (Alisdare Hickson, Flickr, CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

By Craig Murray

It is no longer possible to categorise the nihilistic violence of the Israeli state. It appears to have no objective other than violence and an urge for desolation.

In 24 hours Israel has murdered the man with whom it would need to negotiate hostage release in the short term and political settlement in the long term, and a key figure in its most dangerous potential military enemy which has refrained from full-on war. 

In doing so it has violated the territory, indeed the capitals, of two crucial regional states.

[See: Netanyahu Risks Regional War With Assassination]

Israel has also taken a policy decision that the mass rape of detainees by soldiers — and, somewhat strangely, homosexual rape in particular — is acceptable in war and not to be punished.

Ironically Israel has also underlined its genocidal intent in Gaza by proving that it has the technical ability to carry out targeted attacks, and that the flattening of entire cities with 2,000lb bombs and the massacre of tens of thousands of innocents has been a policy choice.

The Western media appears paralysed by this. I have seen virtually no serious comment or analysis. Nor has anybody pointed out the contrast between Israel’s lies about mass rape on Oct. 7 and Israel’s now-admitted policy of tolerating rape of detainees.

The political class seems even more paralysed than the media class. Caught in their commitment to Zionism — basically bought and paid for – they have nothing to say about these incredible events more sensible than Kamala Harris’ zombie-like incantation of “Israel’s right to self-defence.”

The British Foreign Office has failed to produce its promised considered reaction to the ICJ Opinion on the illegality of Israeli occupation, let alone responded sensibly to Israel’s crazed paroxysm of destruction this week.

[See: ICJ: Israel’s Occupation of Palestinian Territory Is Illegal]

For me it is now axiomatic that there is no two state solution and that apartheid Israel must be completely dismantled as an entity. I believe that more and more people around the entire globe believe that now.

And if we have to dismantle our own political and media classes to get there, so be it.

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