A leaked WhatsApp chat of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP), the students’ wing of BJP, is doing rounds on social media platforms where the student activists can be seen discussing the genocide of Muslims in India.
According to Kashmir Media Service, the chat is purported from the ABVP WhatsApp group of Delhi Technological University (DTU). The group is named “ABVP DTU Freshers”, the screenshots of the chat and messages show a number of members of this group discussing genocide and mass conversion of the Muslims.
One of the members in the chat has suggested that exploding a bomb or “other accident” be plotted in a Muslim-dominated area to “exterminate most Muslims”, while another has suggested “buying or kidnapping” Muslim women to run “Bhagwa love jihad”.
Another person, who was part of the conversation, stated that a mass genocide or mass sterilization of Muslims should be plotted and carried out to give back to the Muslim community.
The same user has also opined that Hindu Mahasabha or other right-wing Hindutva groups should start a course on “hot to marry Muslim girls and convert them to Hindu”
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Disclaimer: ABVP group’s leaked WhatsApp chat shows students discussing Muslim genocide, mass conversion - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Latheefarook.com point-of-view