Indian newspaper mocks Modi with ‘crocodile tears’ on Manipur violence

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A leading Indian newspaper Telegraph India has mocked the country’s prime minister, Narendra Modi, for shedding crocodile tears over Manipur violence after a 79-day silence.

The newspaper published a picture of a crocodile shedding tears on its front page. Underneath the big photo, it placed 79 smaller crocodile photos each representing a day of silence on the part of Modi.

The caption reads, “It took 79 days to penetrate the pain and shame of a 56-inch chest.” Narendra Modi, who was silent after the Manipur riots started on May 3, broke his silence after 79 days. This is symbolized by the image of 79 crocodiles and on the 79th day the crocodile sheds tears.

Over a hundred people have been killed and 400 wounded in clashes between Hindu and Christian tribes in Manipur, according to the BBC.

After months of silence, Modi told the media that although the attack is taking place in Manipur, it is the country that is being insulted and his heart is filled with sadness and anger.

The Indian prime minister pointed out that the chief ministers are requested to maintain the law and order situation in the states and that the attack on women in Manipur should never have happened.

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