Jammu residents stage protest against Article 370 abrogation

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 Scores of residents staged a protest in Jammu city against the abrogation of Article 370 and 35A in conneciton with its fourth anniversary.

Several Jammu residents gathered in the Mahraja Hari Singh park of Jammu city to protest BJP’s illegal abrogation of the Articles that gave special status to Jammu Kashmir.

Raising slogans and holding placards demanding that the Indian Supreme Court must restore the Articles immediately, the people gathered in Jammu said that Article 370 provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

“You cannot discredit the Articles 370 and 35A, after decades….” the protesters said.
They said that the present Government of India must not merely play to the gallery or its voter capital, but also be sensitive to the dangerous cl consequences that such moves may have.

“They promised jobs and said unemployment will go, but that did not happen, in fact, unemployment in the region has grown manifolds and many people are even migrating to other cities in search of jobs,” a local youth said.

He said that it is time for people of Jammu to understand that the abrogation has hit them had. “It is just the start, people of Jammu Kashmir need to collectively demand the restoration of the special status of the region,” he told the media.

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