The Prime Minister of Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK), Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi has said that the Kashmiris wanted settlement of their long-pending dispute in accordance with the United Nations resolutions but warned that failure of the international community to address the dispute could trigger a nuclear war.
Sardar Abdul Qayyum Niazi in his speech at a function in Kotli said, “We have not developed the atom bomb for a showcase. If the international community does not settle our [Kashmir] issue, the whole world will be in flames.”
According to a handout issued by the Press Information Department, he pointed out that India had turned IIOJK into the largest military concentration camp of the world after August 5, 2019 and added that Kashmiris would chase [Indian PM] Narendra Modi across the globe to expose his war crimes in the occupied territory.
He said, “Our leader Imran Khan is a brave man; neither does he panic nor does he feel anxiety. As an ambassador of the Kashmiris, he has repeatedly said that Pakistan will respect whatever decision the Kashmiris take regarding their future status.”
Eulogizing the armed forces of Pakistan for being ‘as strong as our faith’, he said the Kashmiris stood shoulder to shoulder with them. “If our soldiers were not standing guard at the bunkers along the Line of Control (LoC), how could have we lived with peace in Dabsi, Darra Sher Khan and Neelum,” he said, naming some of the AJK areas along the LoC.
Mr Niazi went on to declare that if India’s cowardly army resorted to shelling at the unarmed AJK residents, Pakistan army would not sit at ease. He said [AJK President] Barrister Sultan Mahmood enjoyed command over the Kashmir issue and had been highlighting it in the best manner.
Of himself, he said Prime Minister Khan had entrusted him with the task of looking after the affairs of governance in the “base camp of Kashmir freedom movement” keeping in view of his four decades long political struggle.
Mr Niazi assured the audience that the government would reconstruct all dilapidated roads along the LoC under its relief package.
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Disclaimer: Kashmir dispute can trigger nuclear war, warns AJK PM - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect point-of-view