Kashmir: World Leaders Only Care About Genocide By Adam Garrie, Eurasiafuture.com

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Pakistan’s Prime Minister Imran Khan has issued a stark warning that the appeasing of Modi’s expansionist, sectarianism and Hindutva supremacist march on annexed Jammu and Kashmir will result in the proliferation of genocide with Kashmiris being the first and foremost victims.

In his admonition of global indifference in the fact of extreme injustice, Imran Khan have spoken the language that world leaders and UN officials will be all too familiar with. Imran Khan spoke of the need to protect human life against genocidal ambitions, he spoke about the need to restrain a political system that remains on the verge of becoming a regime hellbent on regional domination, he spoke for the rights of an oppressed minority facing extinction at the hands of a movement that seeks to enslave or exterminate minorities. And what was the global response? Tragically, the response was that of silence.

Kashmiris continue to dodge bullets whilst the world remains largely unaware of the situation due to a carefully constructed internet and electricity blackout which has turned Kashmir into not only a vast and militarised physical prison but also an information prison. As more and more occupation forces flood into Kashmir, bringing with them the heavy machinery of modern warfare, the fate of the civilian population largely hinges on the world taking some form of action to roll back the BJP’s war machine.

The world has grown all too accustomed to major political leaders and activists shedding tears before the cameras at memorials to genocide and ethnic cleansing. Millions of dollars have been spent on monuments, mausoleums, films, art pieces and regular events held throughout the world to mark the tragic genocides and ethnic cleansings of the past. But when the world is faced with a clear opportunity to halt the advance of an ever more likely ethnic cleansing or genocide of Kashmiris, nothing is being said or done in the wake of Imran Khan’s clear warning.

The great irony is that whilst the US and its allies have often gone to war under the false pretenses of stopping ethnic cleansing, where no such thing was happening.If ever, Pakistani troops to cross the LOC (line of control in Kashmir) in an effort to stop potential ethnic cleansing/genocide, the world that increasingly has vested interests in India’s over-valued economy would likely condemn Pakistan and side with the aggressor.

Not only has the world been fed decades worth of lies about Pakistan, but when it comes to preventing genocide, the GDP of the aggressor nation is typically the most compelling decision making factor in the eyes of those who might otherwise think twice before turning their back on the proliferation of injustice.

And thus, one sees the world for what it is: a place that does not care a thing about the rights of an isolated, vulnerable and defence-less people facing extermination at the hands of one of the most expensively armed war machines. This trend however is not new. Justice as a driver of policy has always been conspicuously absent from the history of men and nations.

What has changed is that the levels of hypocrisy on the matter have become staggeringly high. If there is much bloodshed in Kashmir, the crocodile tears will certainly flow after the fact. But whilst there is still a chance to stop the bloodshed, the least the world can say is that Imran Khan was right and his detractors were wrong.

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Disclaimer: Kashmir: World Leaders Only Care About Genocide By Adam Garrie, Eurasiafuture.com - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Latheefarook.com point-of-view

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