Gaza is being slaughtered with an Arab knife in Israel’s hands

Bodies of the Palestinians who lost their lives after Israeli attack hits the house belonging to…

Israel should withdraw from occupied Palestinian territories Says International Court of Justice ruling

Judge and President of the International Court of Justice, Nawaf Salam, delivers a non-binding ruling on…

NATO’s Obscure Relations With Israel

Ann Wright on the arms flowing between members of the military alliance and Israel, which despite its small size,…

Sadistic Israeli torturing of Palestinians – Ignored by US led Europe and their Arab stooges

Demonstrating its cruel and evil nature  sadistic form of torturing Palestinians has been underway in Israeli…

David Lammy’s visit to Israel was a disgrace. He must now act on arms sales and Unrwa by Peter Oborne

There are three actions the UK foreign secretary must take if he is to seriously break…

The Corporate News Media at Work

Large numbers of Palestinians and Ukrainians were killed in missile strikes days apart, writes Jonathan Cook.…

Sadistic Israeli torturing of Palestinians

Ignored by US led Europe and their Arab stooges

  By Latheef Farook Demonstrating its cruel and evil nature  sadistic form of torturing Palestinians has…

What Really Happened on October 7

A Culture of War That Hates Youth

The movement to stop Israel’s murderous oppression of Palestinians is up against the entire military-industrial-congressional complex, writes…

UN agencies prepare for Rafah incursion, warn of ‘slaughter’

GENEVA : An Israeli incursion in Rafah would put the lives of hundreds of thousands of…

Netanyahu Awaits ‘Arrest Warrant’ Against Him in Palestine by Dr Marwan Asmar

The Jewish Maariv daily based on senior sources says Benjamin Netanyahu is deeply worried the ICC is on…

Craig Murray: Worse Than You Can Imagine

The author has no doubt the Western political elite are complicit in the genocide of Palestinians…

Where is the voice of the Arab student movements?

Hundreds of activists gather for encampment on the Diag on University of Michigan’s campus calling for…

‘The political-media-industrial complex’ undermining truth and democracy in service of Israel

Students at New York University (NYU) continue their demonstration on campus in solidarity with the students…

Defend democratic rights! Support the anti-genocide resolution at Austin Community College!

Students demonstrate against the Gaza genocide on March 28, 2024 at the University of Michigan. The…

The Israeli Crimes, the Western Complicity and the Muslims’ Silence

Dr. Firoz Mahboob Kamal The historical stories are not told to keep people asleep. It is…

When Namibia Stands Up to Germany: How Gaza Revolutionized the Global South by Dr Ramzy Baroud

The distance between Gaza and Namibia is measured in the thousands of kilometers. But the historical…

CAIR Condemns Biden’s Veto of Palestine UN Membership, Says Security Council Should Be Reformed or Abolished

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, tonight…