Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine (SLCSP)

Israel’s barbarity at the Al-Aqsa Mosque condemned

The Sri Lanka Committee for Solidarity with Palestine unreservedly and strongly condemns the recent raid and…

Israel to settle Ukrainian Jewish migrants

In occupied Palestinian lands.

Exploiting the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Israel has come forward to settle Ukrainian Jews in the…

The PA exposes its dependence on Israel and the international community by Ramona Wadi

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority president, speaks in a prerecorded video during the United Nations General Assembly…

What the iron wall built by Israel means for besieged Palestinians By Andrei Popoviciu, Lubna Masarwa

Aviv Kochavi, Israel’s army chief of general staff, walks past a fence along the boundary with…

Why is Israel labelling Palestinian rights groups ‘terrorists’? By Zena Al Tahhan

Sahar Francis, director of Palestinian prisoner rights group Addameer, speaks, as Shawan Jabarin, director of the…

November 2, 1917 Balfour Declaration Anniversary

Story of How Britain gave Palestine to Jews By Latheef Farook

November 2 marks the 104th anniversary of Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 when Britain imperial…

Palestine is an occupied land, a fact recognised by international law

Palestinian, Israeli, and foreign activists lift banners and placards during a demonstration against Israeli occupation and…

Even in death, Palestinians suffer obscene indignities by Andrew Mitrovica

The latest desecration is taking place at al-Yusufiyah cemetery, a centuries-old Muslim graveyard in occupied Jerusalem.…

Israel closes Ibrahimi Mosque to Muslim worshippers

A view of Ibrahimi Mosque RAMALLAH, Palestine:  The Israeli army on Saturday closed the Ibrahimi Mosque…

‘It’s a lie that we’re criminals and terrorists, we’re simply freedom fighters to liberate our land,’ Hamas co-founder tells RT by Robert Inlakesh

Exclusive: Mahmoud al-Zahar talks about potential prisoner exchanges, May’s Gaza-Israel war, the current shaky ceasefire and…

Violent Israeli raids in occupied East Jerusalem wound dozens By Al Jazeera Staff

Israeli forces seen raiding the Palestinian neighbourhood of Silwan in occupied East Jerusalem in June [File:…

After 19 years of beatings & losing an eye, America’s innocent ‘forever prisoner’ may be about to spill the secrets of CIA torture By Kit Klarenberg,

Camp 5 at the US Military’s Prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. © AFP / Thomas WATKINS;…

Palestine & Rabbinical Hypocrisy By Lawrence Davidson

Flares from Israeli forces in night sky over Gaza City, July 28, 2014. (UN Photo/Shareef Sarhan) It’s…

What’s next after Abbas’s latest threat?

Mahmoud Abbas, Palestinian Authority president, speaks in a prerecorded video during the United Nations General Assembly…

Khaled Meshaal interview: Senior official says Hamas now leads Palestinian struggle By David Hearst

Speaking to MEE, Meshaal calls on all Palestinians to join a ‘comprehensive uprising’ against Israeli occupation

Occupation: The Palestinian elite and its failure to prevent Israel’s land theft Joseph Massad

An activist waves a Palestinian flag at the entrance to Sheikh Jarrah, East Jerusalem, on 25…

Remembering 39th anniversary of Israeli Massacre

At Sabra –Shatila Palestinian refugee camps. By Latheef Farook

In September 1982 Israel invaded Lebanon and bombed by air, sea and land to finish off…

Hamas: 6 escapees a priority in any prisoner swap

Israeli security forces take a Palestinian inmate into custody, one of the 6 escapees from Gilboa…