On the Need for Change and What Humanity Must Do: An Islamic Perspective by S N Smith

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There are many groups and individuals who wish to bring about change in the world because they are unsatisfied with the current state of affairs. There is, however, no real unified vision of what this change means or how it is to be achieved. But there is an agreement that change needs to come about because the world, as it is now, is an awful mess.

But my question is on what basis or foundation would these proposed changes come about? In other words, what is the source of inspiration or the blueprint being used to bring about these changes? A group or an individual may want to see changes take place in various issues within society, but how do they know in advance that those proposed changes would be any better than what we have now? People speak out against oppression and the oppressors, which is laudable and praiseworthy, but if we see these oppressors being removed from their position, and human nature being what it is, those who take over the reins of power will, in turn, commit acts of oppression. In other words, the oppressed becomes the oppressor and nothing really changes at all.
If real change is going to take place within society, it has to take place first and foremost within the hearts and minds of the people because mere legislation may temporarily change how people act, but there has been no real internal transformation. People have to also rethink their perceptions of reality and the purpose of their existence. These are existential questions that need to be

seriously asked and pondered over before any meaningful discussion about how to bring about change in the world.

From the vantage point of the believer in Allah, these questions have already been addressed. We understand the nature of reality in that our existence on this earth is temporary after which we will return to Allah for judgment and that this life is merely a test and a preparation for the hereafter. In addition, the purpose of our existence is to worship and serve Allah in a way that is pleasing to him. And we find how to do this in the Quran and in the lived example of the prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him and are not left to our own caprices.
But the message of Islam is diametrically opposed to the existing world order and thus those in power are invested in making sure that this message is either suppressed or distorted in the minds of the people. If one were to read the Quran they would quickly note that the leaders of the past were foremost in rejecting the message of the prophets and they in turn inspired the people to reject this message. Allah says in the Quran:

“Whenever We sent a warner to a society, its elite would say, “We truly reject what you have been sent with.” (Quran 34:34)
In essence, the people became dupes of those who held the reins of power and follow them instead of taking heed to what the prophets, as well as those who follow these prophets, had to say. The classic example of this is Pharaoh who led his people astray as Allah says in Surah Taha 20:79:

“And ˹so˺ Pharaoh led his people astray, and did not guide ˹them rightly˺.” (See verses 78-98)

And history repeats itself over and over. Humanity as a whole has been duped into believing a lie.

There is a massive anti-Islam propaganda industry in place which seeks to portray Islam in a negative light and as an existential threat to humanity. See also the work of journalist C J Werleman who exposes this in his regular broadcasts. This is done for a real purpose, which is to ensure that people do not listen to what Islam has to say for if they were to take heed to its message those who hold the reins of power would be further challenged, their position would be threatened and their lies exposed. But as long as humanity can be held under the sway of falsehood and all of the filth that is being fed to them on a daily basis, while believing that this is all there is to life, then the powers that be will continue to control humanity both in their thoughts and actions.

The vast majority of these groups and individuals who seek to bring about change, whether they hail from the right or left, are also opposed to the message of Islam and agree with the powers that be that Islam is a threat on many levels and should not be taken seriously. They too have been duped into believing the big lie. But as believers, we know that any message or program that opposes Allah and his messenger, peace be upon him, will be doomed to failure. Allah will not bring blessing on a people who continually reject Him and do not take heed to the warnings and admonitions that He has issued to humanity.

Sadly, most of humanity does not understand the message of Islam in the correct way because there have been so many distortions and outright lies concerning the religion being circulated that it is little wonder that they have a negative attitude toward the Islamic faith. And, as I said earlier, there is a thriving industry in place to ensure that this misinformation and hostile attitude toward Islam and Muslims remains firmly in place.

For those non-muslims who are reading this article and hold negative attitudes towards Islam and Muslims, ask yourself where these attitudes came from. You were not born with negative attitudes or feelings towards other people but they are learned or taught to you. Take the time to seriously reflect upon this.

I invite readers, including Muslims and non-Muslims, to seriously examine the program that Islam has to offer for humanity. Islam is a holistic message that covers every conceivable aspect of human existence and it begins within the heart and minds of people so that their entire belief system and worldview becomes transformed and they realize the purpose of why they were placed on this earth is centred on how to live a life that is both pleasing to Allah and is much better for humanity as a whole.


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Disclaimer: On the Need for Change and What Humanity Must Do: An Islamic Perspective by S N Smith - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect Latheefarook.com point-of-view

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