March 12 Movement issues dire warning: Online Safety Bill’s unlawful passage sparks fear of coercive govt rule and threatens democracy in Lanka

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The March 12 Movement warns that rulers must understand that the silence of citizens suffering amid the escalating cost of living and unmanageable hunger does not equate to obedience but is a precursor to a major backlash against the government’s coercive rule.

In a statement signed by its co-conveners Nadishani Perera and Rohana Hettiarachchie, March 12 Movement strongly denounced the passage of the Online Safety Bill in Parliament in an unlawful manner last week, the March 12 Movement.

The statement reads: “We reiterate that the Online Safety Bill poses a grave threat to fundamental rights and democratic principles enshrined in the Constitution of Sri Lanka and regret to note that the current government’s adamant pursuit of this legislation is a clear indication of its intention to silence dissent and suppress civic activism during this critical time of economic reform and upcoming elections.

“March 12 Movement notes with grave concern that in addition to introducing an undemocratic law, the parliament outrageously acted in violation of the constitutionally guaranteed right to pre-enactment judicial review of legislation.

“Several citizens and institutions sought the intervention of the Supreme Court to assess the constitutionality of the Online Safety Bill. The Supreme Court identified specific clauses requiring amendment before the bill’s passage. However, when inquiring into the allegations that have been raised so far, it reveals that crucial amendments outlined in the court’s recommendations were overlooked during the bill’s passage.

“Concurrently, the government is pursuing further draconian laws such as the Anti-Terrorism Bill and Electronic Broadcasting Regulatory Commission Bill to silence and oppress people and dissident forces. In this distressing situation, the Online Safety Bill was debated in Parliament using standing orders and passed, potentially undermining the established Westminster-model parliamentary tradition.

“While the citizens silently suffer amidst escalating cost of living and unmanageable hunger, it is crucial for the rulers to recognize that this silence does not equate to obedience. The March 12 Movement warns that it is the precursor to a major backlash against the government’s coercive rule.

“In light of these developments, we respectfully urge the Speaker of Parliament to ensure that the amendments outlined in the Supreme Court’s judgment are fully incorporated into the Online Safety Bill. Parliament following due process when passing laws, and respecting the judiciary and the sovereignty of citizens, is essential to promote clean politics and reinforce democracy in Sri Lanka.”

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Disclaimer: March 12 Movement issues dire warning: Online Safety Bill’s unlawful passage sparks fear of coercive govt rule and threatens democracy in Lanka - Views expressed by writers in this section are their own and do not necessarily reflect point-of-view

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